Thursday 23 June 2016

Hotels Star Ratings Explained

Five Star rating
These are hotels offering just the highest a higher level accommodations and services. The properties provide a high amount of personal service. Although most five star hotels are large properties, sometimes small independent (non-chain) property gives an elegant intimacy that can't be achieved in the larger setting. Your accommodation locations can vary from the very exclusive locations of an suburban area, towards the heart of downtown. The hotel lobbies are sumptuous, the rooms filled with stylish furnishing and quality linens. The amenities can lead you to: garden tubs, CD stereos, or Jacuzzis, in-room video library, heated pools plus much more. The hotels feature up to three restaurants by using exquisite menus. Room services usually available 24 hours a day. Fitness Centers and valet and/or garage parking are normally available. A concierge can also be available to help you.

Four Star rating
Mostly large, formal hotels with most smart reception areas, front desk service and bellhop service. Hotels are generally located near other hotels of the caliber and so are usually found near shopping, dining as well as other major attractions. How much services are well excellent and also the rooms are very well lit and well furnished. Restaurant dining is often available and may include much choice. Some properties will offer you continental breakfast and/or happy hour delicacies. Room services usually available during most hours. Valet parking and/or garage solutions also usually available. Concierge services, health clubs and a number of pools tend to be provided.

Three stars rating
Typically these hotels offer more spacious accommodations offering well appointed rooms and decorated lobbies.. They are generally located near major expressways or business areas, convenient to shopping and moderate to pricey attractions. Threestars Hotels usually feature medium-sized restaurants that typically offer service breakfast through dinner. Room service availability can vary. Valet parking, fitness gyms and pools will often be provided.

Two Stars rating
Typically smaller hotels managed from the proprietor. Your accommodation is frequently two to four stories high and usually includes a more personal atmosphere. Two star hotels usually located near affordable attractions, major intersections and on the way of public transit. Furnishings and facilities are clean but basic. Most will not have for restaurants on-site but are usually in easy reach to many good priced dining. Public access, past certain hours, could possibly be restricted.

One Star rating
Usually denotes independent and high end hotel chains with a reputation for offering consistent quality amenities. Your accommodation is normally minute medium-sized and conveniently located to moderately priced attractions. The facilities typically include telephones and TV within the bedroom. Some hotels offer limited restaurant service however, room service and bellhop services are generally not provided.

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